
PROGRAM ‘Wearables’ 17-30 September 2022


WEARABLES 15/8-30/9 2022
SIGN brings ‘Wearables’ that, after a working period, manifests itself in 3 places and beyond: SIGN, Y2 & Moshpit of Creation.
‘Wearables’ is a project about textiles, props, clothing, objects, interventions, performances, interactions, seen as body extensions and as social aids to local social fringe events. The east of the city of Groningen, an area in transition with semi-urban, rural and industrial places, is the setting for ‘Wearables’.

PROGRAM 17 to 30 September:

Relay opening Saturday 17  September @ Y2 & SIGN
Start 17.30 @Y2: Smila Zinecker: ‘Bureau d’échange’
Cleo Veldman: ‘And when the great white shark came it broke everything in half’
From 17:30-19:30 hrs. with drinks, soup & bread.
Start @ SIGN: 19.45 hrs.
Nina Iggy & Jos Jacob with ‘Mori et Movere’ en Aura Rendon Benger.
At 20.30 hrs. apotheosis live performance Nina Iggy, Tristan Cosmo, Jos Jacob.

Exhibition Y2 & SIGN from 17-30 September:
Installations & performances.
@ SIGN: Nina Iggy & Jos Jacob with ‘Mori et Movere’ and Aura Rendon Benger.
@ Y2: Smila Zinecker: ‘Bureau d’échange’
Cleo Veldman: ‘And when the great white shark came it broke everything in half’.
Exhibitions in Y2 & SIGN open: Tue.-Sat: 12-17 & Sun: 14-17 hrs.

@Moshpit of Creation:
Rowan van As,  Thursday 29 September
20.00 hrs. Premiere collection ‘Viewmaster’: catwalk & presentation!  Walk in 19.30 hrs: drinks, soup, bread.

EXTRA live performances!
Friday 23/9 at 20.30 hrs: Nina Iggy, Tristan Cosmo, Jos Jacob
Saturday 24/9 during expOOST art route:
14.00 hrs.: Rowan van As: fashion intervention or ‘View Master’!
16.00 hrs.: Nina Iggy & Jos Jacob
Friday 30/9 at 20.30 hrs. Nina Iggy, Tristan Cosmo, Jos Jacob
@Moshpit of Creation:
Thursday 29/9: at 20.00 hrs. ‘Viewmaster’: Rowan van As

Locations: ‘Wearables’
SIGN: Winschoterkade 10, Groningen
Y2: Damsterdiep 299, Groningen
Moshpit of Creation: Duinkerkestraat 26, Groningen.