
SCREEN BREACH #1 September 5 at SIGN 19 hrs.



Screen breach #1
Come and see the possibilities of screen breach at SIGN
Saturday 5 th of September at SIGN at 19.00 hrs
a translocation dance performance !!

An example of a live performance between Turku, Finland, and Open Source Gallery ,Brooklyn, USA produced and directed by Sebastian Ziegler and Mark Andreas of Videokaffe.
will be performed by Laura Cemin and Chieh Hsiung.
“Space between us” explores the impact of virtual and physical barriers in our global society from the human perspective . Through live-streamed projections, two dancers (one in Finland and one in Brooklyn) will share the same stage and perform together, exploring isolation and virtual contact . The performance will be viewed by a physical audience in Turku, during the new performance festival Turku (following all safety guidelines) and virtually from anywhere in the world through live streaming!