Parrhesia 3: 27 & 28/1 Oppressed Theatre (on location)
27-28/11: Oppressed Theatre in the earthquake area Middelstum/ Westerwijtwerd.
Leaded by: Frank Elsijk, Onderzoeksmedewerker at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in Pedagogiek – Sectie Lifelong Learning and his partners Marieke Gunningen, Elise Siersema, Nathalie Beekman in coorporation with Parrhesia artist: Eleni Kamma/ camera: Boris van Hoofd.
This was a workshop and experiment with actors participants/volunteers to show them basic exercises & techniques used in the theater of the Oppressed. Frank Elsdijk & partners emphasized the importance of trying to find and work with people of different ages that live in the area of the earthquakes in Groningen.
For that reason we went to earthquake area Middelstum/ Westerwijtwerd and practices some imagetheatre according the Oppressed theatre method based on the earthquake experiences of the inhabitans of the 2 villages. Cameraman Boris Van Hoofd and artist Eleni Kamma tried to capture this process via the movie camera and see what kind of truth can be registered through the lense and how this deviates or confirms the “lived experience” of the participants. A complete movie will be finished in 2016
Actors/Volunteers: Helen Doornbos ,Pieter Boukamp, Ben Mentink, Anne Heleen Bijl, Annemarie Boekholt, Richart Geertsma, Joost Geertsma, Helen Doornbos, Jeroen Eeftink, Maaike Eringa & 2 ladies from drama club WAT (thanks to Mevrouw Honderd).