
iii In Praise of Shadows: 2-4: No patent Pending & 3-4: Opening

P.S. Don’t miss our 2 activities on:
2nd of April performance evening ‘No patent pending #21’ in DE GYM at 20.00 hrs.
3th of April opening exhibition in SIGN with special performance at 16.00 hrs.

April 2nd No Patent Pending #21, performance evening starts at 20.00 hrs. in De GYM
With mysterious (inter) active works that bind the four dimensions of image, sound, space and body
-Lampyridae by Matteo Marangoni & Dieter Vandoren
-Transistory Presences by Yolanda Uriz
-Nibiru by Mariska de Groot
Location: DE GYM, Oosterstraat 13, Groningen from 20.00 till 22.00 hrs.

April 3rd until 23rd in SIGN: “In Praise of Shadows” an exhibition with performances, installations, costumes, videos and books. First show of City Sondols Groningen- Fire Ships by Matteo Marangoni

OPENING April 3rd in SIGN at 16.00 hrs.: opening performance: ‘conductive furniture’ from Jonathan Reus with the dancers Jasmine Ellis & Evandro Pedroni. Dank Random Collission & Edan Gorlicki!!
+Performance Magnoceptica by Dewi de Vree & Patrizia Ruthensteiner.
+small Sondols by audience lead by Matteo Marangoni
+presentation results Radiesthetic workshop studenten Minerva Art Academy & FMI Mad tech.


Mis niet onze twee activiteiten op:
2 april de performance avond No Patent Pending #21 in DE GYM van 20.00-22.00 uur
3 april de opening expositie in SIGN met een bijzondere performance vanaf 16.00 uur

‘In Praise of Shadows’ bestaat uit: 
31 maart & 1 april: Radiesthetic workshop i.s.m. Academie Minerva.
2 april: No Patent Pending #21 performance avond vanaf 20.00 uur in De GYM
Met mysterieuze, (inter)actieve werken waarbij de vier dimensies beeld, geluid, ruimte en lichaam verbonden worden.
-Lampyridae van Matteo Marangoni & Dieter Vandoren
-Transistory Presences door Yolanda Uriz
-Nibiru door Mariska de Groot

Locatie: De GYM, Oosterstraat 13, Groningen van 20.00-22.00uur

3 t/m 23 april in SIGN: In Praise of Shadows, tentoonstelling, performances, installaties, kostuums, video’s.
Met primeur video: City Sondols Groningen- Fire Ships door Matteo Marangoni

OPENING 3 april in SIGN om 16.00 uur:
 Openingsperformance ‘op ‘conductive furniture’ van Jonathan Reus met dansers Jasmine Ellis & Evandro Pedroni.
Dank Random Collision & Edan Gorlicki!!

+ Performance Magnoceptica van Dewi de Vree & Patrizia Ruthensteiner.
 + Kleine Sondols door publiek o.l.v. Matteo Marangoni
+ Presentatie resultaten Radiesthetic workshop studenten Academie Minerva en FMI Mad tech.