Friday 25 May: Conference Art & Fear in Public Spaces, 12-17 p.m. Timeline Gallery – The Lectures
Programme of the kick-of Timeline Gallery – The lectures
Date: May 25, 2018 from 12-17 p.m.
Conference Art & Fear in Public Spaces.
Location: Minerva Art Academy, Green Room, Praediniussingel 59 Groningen
11.30 Income and coffee
12.00 Welcome by Anke Coumans, of the professorship Image in Context
12.15 Opening by Bibi Straatman, moderator of the day and research director Being Political in Art and Design of the professorship Image in Context: on the concept of parrhesia
12.30 Lecture by René Boomkens, professor Cultural Reflection and Cultural History at the University of Amsterdam: on fear in public spaces
13.00 Q&A
13.15 Lecture by Tinkebell, Dutch activist artist: on activism and artistic practice
13.45 Q&A
14.00 Coffee break
14.30 Sacha Bronwasser, freelance art critic & curator, journalist at de Volkskrant: on the journalistic review of activist art
15.00 Niek Hietbrink, researcher at Windesheim University will comment from the perspective of ‘constructive journalism’
15.15 Lecture by Ruben Jacobs, cultural sociologist, freelance journalist, lecturer: art and the fear of climate change
15.45 Niek Hietbrink, researcher at Windesheim University will comment from the perspective of ‘constructive journalism’
16.00 Round table: conversation, also with the participants of the Timeline Gallery
17.00 Closure and drinks