Supermarket Art Fair 2021: Koos Buster Stroucken
SIGN presents at Supermarket Art Fair 2021, Stockholm SE
13 -17 October 2021
Koos Buster Stroucken
Koos Buster Stroucken portrays the search for a doltish perfection or something trivial that could be celebrated. Phases of the process, are visible in his works. The innocence and messiness of a sketch are elements which return in a final piece. Ceramics associate with preciousness, wealth, vulnerability. Stroucken refers f.i. to Delfts Blue, ceramics that stand for rich Dutch history, and questionable Golden Age. By using ceramics this way his work shows friction: a combination of celebration, frustrations and anger. Like a comment on issues of modern society, depending on personal (dis)likes.
SIGN (NL) is a lively and experimental art project space for contemporary interdisciplinary art at an international level. SIGN offers young artists a platform for further profiling, development and intensification of their artistry. In addition, new work is initiated in special contexts and necessary reflection is given. There are presentations in SIGN, at other locations and in public space, with a variety of circumstances, perspectives and disciplines.
additional: SIGN will participate at Supermarket Art Fair, Stockholm with the artist Koos Buster Stroucken and his installation, specially made for the presentation at Supermarket Art Fair in Stockholm. We like his search for something trivial that could also be at the same time of high artistic value . His work is related on a personal level to his own live and at the same time it is social engaged with a sense of humour.
Koos Buster Stroucken (1991, Amsterdam NL) is graduated at Rietveld Academy Amsterdam 2018, The Netherlands.
For Supermarket Art Fair 2021 Koos Buster Stroucken will make a new, museum-like installation of ceramics, quoting personal comments, reactions on social issues. He used the same glaze technique called “Delfts Blue” in an unconventional manner with a contemporary message. Part of the installation will be some life-size made ceramics of daily objects. He combines a rogue sense of humor with an exceptional craftsmanship. In his exhuberant sensuous world everything can become art.
Koos Buster Stroucken: ”My work portrays the search for a certain “doltish perfection” or something trivial that could also be celebrated. When I have an idea, I start sketching. Those sketches are a first step into the process, but I also like to see them as potential finished works, fully established within the sketch phase. The innocence and messiness of a quick sketch has elements I like to see returned in a final piece of work”. Ceramics often associate with preciousness, certain wealth, luxury, tradition, antique, vulnerability. Koos Buster referring f.i. to ‘Delfts Blue’, traditional dutch ceramics (which stands for the f.i. rich Dutch history, Golden age and is now actually a big discussion concerning colonial behaviour of the Dutch).
By using ceramics in this way his work shows a friction: a combination of celebration, frustrations and anger. Like a comment on all kind of issues of modern society, depending on personal (dis)likes.