SPREAD – the Workshops
JOIN THE QUIRKY WORKSHOPS OF SPREAD ZINEFEST!!! (20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 September)
Subscribe via: info@spreadzinefest.nl
Or text, app, signal to: Marie-Jeanne +31623631796
SPREAD Zinefest: www.spreadzinefest.nl
Monday 20/9
Lever Burns by Vo Ezn
From 11.00-15.00+/- Bring your laptop (if you have an already set-up Rpi bring it as well!)
Self-host an etherpad on your own machine.
Info >> http://eth.leverburns.blue/p/txt_–spreadzinefest
Location: SIGN, Winschoterkade 10, Groningen
Costs: € 4,-
Tuesday 21/9
F(eminist)H(ack)M(eetings) by Angeliki Diakrousi/Artemis Gryllaki
From 12.00-15.00 Bring your own laptop!
FHM explores the potentialities and imaginaries of feminist technological collectives.
The zine making inspired by practices and aesthetics of feminist hacking.
Location: SIGN, Winschoterkade 10, Groningen
Costs: € 4,-
FHM invites you to a day of scanning, overlapping, uploading, editing, archiving, wiking, styling, cssing, resizing, rearranging, annotating, exporting, transforming, making over, messing, speculating, re-reading, disconnecting, printing, cutting, glueing, marking, reforming, patching, sticking, stitching, scissoring, nailing, screwing, sharing, giving, caring, folding, holeing, stapling, iterating, perforating, sewing, binding. In other words, zine making inspired by practices and aesthetics of feminist hacking!
FHM explore the potentialities and imaginaries of feminist technological collectives. These gatherings aim to challenge who counts as a hacker, and what counts as hacking. The diverse activities of these gatherings includes sociopolitical discussions around technology and feminism, storytelling, prototyping and skill-sharing, as well as art experiments. The sessions are open for anyone interested in technology and the processes of shaping it, to discuss and work together in four thematic section!
Initiated by Varia https://vvvvvvaria.org/
Wednesday 22/9
Making a Queer/BIPOC magazine by KLAUW
From 13.00-17.00 Bring your own laptop!
Who do you want to give a platform to and why?
What is missing in current media and how would you communicate your own story in this?
Location: SIGN, Winschoterkade 10, Groningen
Costs: € 4,-
When the pandemic started and we couldn’t organise events anymore, we wanted to find a way to still reach our communities and offer them a platform. With little to no experience, we adapted to our new reality and gave birth to KLAUW MAG. During this workshop KLAUW will take you along the process of making a Queer/BIPOC magazine. Who do you want to give a platform to and why? What is missing in current media and if you had the chance to share your own story, how would you communicate this? Learn all about this, our own process and more during the workshop.
Bring your own laptop!
13.00 – 13.30: How to KLAUW?
13.30 – 14.00: Brainstorm
14.00 – 16.30: Get your hands dirty
16.30 – 17.00: Showtime!
Friday 24/9
Scraping the means of production by Federico Poni
From 13.00-15.00 Bring your own laptop! (+coding background is nice but not necessary)
Make a zine scraping the web (python + javascipt)
Location: SIGN, Winschoterkade 10, Groningen
Costs: € 4,-
Friday 24/9
Toner Extravaganza by Jacopo Lega
From 16.00-18.00
Explore the different means of the scanning and printing process, using them as a set of possibilities to include movements, gestures and other materic sources into the building-up of a small publication.
Location: het resort, Meeuwerderweg 58, Groningen
Costs: € 4,-
Saturday 25/9
ACCORDIAN ZINE making by ANT and La Tourette
From 14.00-17.00
Construction of a collective chain zine, based on a ‘group imaginary’ that will take elements from both cities: Bilbao and Groningen!
Location: SIGN, Winschoterkade 10, Groningen
Costs: € 4,- ,Number participants 15 max.
TOOLS / Cutter knifes and scalpels, glue sticks, scissors, coloured pencils, pencils, coloured markers, tempera paints, rubber stamps and ink, Sellotape Double Sided Tape 12mm, old plastic cards for crisp smooth folds (alternative to bone folders), metal rulers, cutting mats (old recycled carboard as alternative)
MATERIALS / DIN A3 sheets (140g min), Coloured cards, Grey Kraft Board 1500micron 945gsm, Bilbao and Groningen magazines, maps of both cities, tree leaves, old magazines, anything you can find in your pockets or bag.
• Presentation of La Tourette and ANTespacio / 20 min
• Show different techniques of zine folding and explanation of the workshop / 10 min
• Each participant will build their own accordion zine / 30 min
• Time for making the cover of the zine / 10 min
• GAME 1H 30 min
The construction of a collective chain zine, based on a group imaginary that will take elements from both cities Bilbao and Groningen as references. We propose a mental drifting that we will build together following the dynamics of the exquisite corpse, mixing collage, drawing, text … Each participant will build a side of the fanzine based on the times and rules given and will leave a clue on the next face for later passing the fanzine to the next participant. We will guide and energize the game by keeping track of the times and enlivening the game with traditional Basque and Dutch music.
6 pages, 12 sides in total (back and front)
8 sides will be made in the workshop and the rest will be completed by the participants whenever they want.
1st ROUND / 18 min // Collage mixing elements from Bilbao and Groningen.
2nd ROUND / 13 min // Composition inspired by the rhythms of music.
ROUND 3/8 min // Use a single color.
4th ROUND / 6 min // Drawing and collage based on what a word in Basque suggests to them.
5th ROUND / 18 min // Collage to include a tree leaf.
6th ROUND / 13 min // Composition inspired by music.
7th ROUND / 8 min // Composition from an image taken randomly.
ROUND 8/6 min // Draw with the left hand.
• Make the back cover / 10 min
• Assessment and closing / 10 min