16 januari:

Van 16.00-20.30 uur i.s.m. Academie Popcultuur, Minerva, Leeuwarden.
Deuren open om 15:30
3 soepen, 3 bandjes, 3 lezingen & 1 film:

Sherlock/ Backbone 050
Lady Dandelion
Richard James Foster
Guy and Roni & 100% Halal
Jos Toentje
Stuart Mavis

Freestyle MUURFRIEZEN: Niels Goos, Tom Trickett, Anan Striker, Kees Westervelt.

“The overal goal is to make a delicious soup with the people who join the event. There will be inspiring talks by speakers who tell their story and explain how to make the soup at the same time. While eating the self-made soup music and film will play. The main purpose is to bring people together and let them collaborate in making the event a succes. By creating a collaboration during the event we try to show one of the many ways how the Academie voor Popcultuur works. They create a space where students get inspired to get in contact with different disciplines then their own. A space where they learn how to create a network and find common goals.”