MURMUR sex & love

Event #1

MURMUR & SIGN presenteren:

Vrijdag 23 september

Aanvang: 19.00 uur tot 03.00 uur.  
Entree € 3,-

SEX & LOVE is een conceptuele avond met expositie, stand-up filosofie, debat, performance, muziek, nachtfilms en eten & drinken.
Murmur presenteert hun 1e, pilot event – Filosofie, Kunst & Muziek avond, een event dat opgebouwd is rond het onderwerp Liefde & Seks dat uitgewerkt wordt met verschilllende artistieke middelen. Het vangt aan met een stand-up filosofie om 19.30 uur van gastspreker Ronald Hunneman, professor Filosofie, Rijks Universiteit Groningen, gevolgd door debat, performances, tentoonstelling, muziek, nachtfilms en met eten & drinken. Georganiseerd in een non-academische setting, streeft dit 1e Murmur event naar het bijeenbrengen van al deze media rondom de kern van dit onderwerp om een ultieme, conceptuele ervaring te creëren.
SEX & LOVE is een samenwerking tussen Murmur, een groep studenten van studie Kunst Cultuur & Media RUG (Rijks Universiteit Groningen) & SIGN.


MURMUR & SIGN presents:  

Friday 23 th of September a.s.
MURMUR presents: ‘SEX AND LOVE’ a conceptual event comprising exhibition, stand-up philosofy, debat, food & drinks, performance, music and midnight screening. Time frame between 7:00 PM – 3:00 AM  Entrance € 3,-
Murmur presents its first pilot event – Philosophy and Music Evening, an event that is constructed around the topic Love and Sex which will be extrapolated through various artistic means. It starts with an stand-up Philosophy by our guest speaker Ronald Hunneman, Professor of Philosophy at University of Groningen, and is followed by a discussion/debate, a performance, featuring exhibition, musical program and midnight screening. Organized in a non-academic setting, the first murmur event, aims to converge all these art media around the axis of the subject matter in order to create the ultimate conceptual experience.
visual art:

Anne Lamb: voyeuristic video work entitled, ‘Surrogates‘. She deals with her past and present experiences with heterosexual men and their delicate and often ignored issues of body image and expressed sexuality within the discourse of feminism and queer theory.

Liz de la Berg: ‘Viva la vulva‘ film. About the vulva’s diversity and social issues. (2 screens)

Janis Klimanovs (LV) ‘Weathering Love‘ is a documental film that reveals an intimate story of a life-long romance of Janis Klimanovs his grandparents.

Glenn Da Silva: ‘Love assist products‘ for assist elder people in their sex activities. (2 screens)

Henk-Sjoerd Hinrichs: ‘Cozyhole Koziol’/ ‘ Don’t repeat this‘. An abstract imagery for sex/ paintings.

BINS: ‘Hallo met Kyoto’. 06 Sex line: nice installation consist of advertisement, phones, screenings with animations & dialogues between client & service.
Victoria Romp: Sexual Being & hairy entrance, installation.
Eva Lansink: 4 nice horny erotic ceramic sculptures.
Jeroen D. Stout: ‘Dinner Date‘ – video game


Natalia Sliwowska: ‘Impreggnation’. ‘Last two weeks’.

Mila Murdock: ‘Time‘.


Vilius Vaitiekūnas, Oliver Clasper: ‘Performance IV

Angelo Messies: ‘Subconscience thinking and the feminine side’.
Michiel Westbeek: ‘Radiant Colorful Galaxies’ – poetry

Karl Russell, Jorrit Westerhof, Jerzy Wypych (ambient).

Psychological test:
Yavor Ivanov

stand up philosophy:
Ronald Hünneman

Production & Organisation: Sign
Concept & Organization: Murmur

MURMUR is an independent collective consisting of artists and students situated in Groningen. We use philosophy and art to explore undying topics through themed conceptual events in a way that is accessible and engaging to everyone.

19:00 door open
main hall

19:30, main hall Stand up philosophy
 Ronald Hünneman, Professor of Philosophy at University of Groningen,

20:20, main hall
Discussion starts+ food will be served

21:00 break

21:30, main hall Angelo Messies performance

22:00, main hall Karl Russel music live

22:45 break

23:00, main hall Jorrit Westerhof, music live

23:45 break

00:00, back space Poetry performance Michiel Westbeek

00:20 – 03.00 hr, main hall 
Film screening 
Pink Flamingo’s 1972 
Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975.

21:00- 00:00, basement Vilius Vaitiekūnas performance

19.00-03.00 hr. Yavor Ivanov maker a psychological test.