Europe 2006 Maarten Vanden Eynde
Europe 2006
Maarten Vanden Eynde
Europe is not a unity of equality but a unity of diversity.
Europe is facing it’s most difficult challenge: how to create a united europe?
After the referendum on the new European Constitutional Law and the following disappointment about the French and Dutch NO, Europe is further away from unification than ever. But as a result inertia about Europa was replaced by genuine interest.
What does it mean to be European? What do we represent? How much personal identity do we want to hand over to become a unity?
My work is about the European Union as a whole and wants to raise questions about Europe in the past, the present and the future. Is Europe a new country with new borders or a concept for freedom and equality?
A new European flag is made. The stars are the capitals of the different countries, creating an abstract sky full of stars. On the 9th of May, ‘Europe Day“, the new European flag will be presented through the whole European Union. In each country ten art-institutions (artists initiatives, project spaces, galleries and museums), more than 300 in total, are being approached by mail. They are all asked to participate and hang the flag out on the 9th of May.
20.000 post cards and 20.000 stickers are printed for further promotion.
The Dutch Embassy of every EU country is being contacted and asked to give logistic support to organize the project as efficient as possible.