24H= a 24 hour long post-disciplinary event
24H Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 of April
SIGN plays host to the event 24H @SIGN, an 24 hour long collective creation, organised by students of Academie Minerva Autonome Beeldende Kunst and Prins Claus Conservatorium Groningen. Everyone is invited to collaborate in this post-disciplinary event.
The time of the event is divided in 4 conceptual blocks of 6 hours
each. These conceptual blocks are made to be guidelines in the content collectively created. Which one inspires you most?
Saturday 13th of April
17:00 – 23:00
BLOCK I – ESTABLISH TIME, the current state
23:00 – 05:00 (next day)
BLOCK II – THE HUMAN REGAINING THE ANIMAL, the deconstruction of time
Sunday 14th of April 2019
05:00 – 11:00
BLOCK III – RITUALS, the celebretion of time
11:00 – 17:00
BLOCK IV – RESYNCRONIZATION, the reintegration in togetherness
MORE INFO: 24h is a 24 hour long post-disciplinary event, organised by a temporary collective of young artists. ~ In a world which is overwhelmed by media, technology, individualism and isolation, we notice the tendency of our generation towards being more social, in touch, a part of something. We wish to bring people together and create a temporary community that is mutually inspired. ~ We are facilitating a process of a 24-hour collective creation, reaction, where the borders between performers and the public are blurred, or may not even exist anymore. 24-hours is a playground, a laboratory of common experience, interchange, cross-pollination and action. Improvisation is a keyword and it can happen in any media. Some equipment will be available on spot. The event will take place at SIGN projectspace on the 13th and 14th of April 2019 from 5 pm until 5pm. Everyone is invited to collaborate and interpret this invitation as they wish.
Organised by: Tisa Neža Herlec, Demi Kameel, Angelos Messios, Rafiq Abbasov, Filippo Temperini, Mojca Zupančič, Livia Rib, Michiel Teeuw.