WASTELAND KOLDERVEEN: Klaske verveelt zich

6 januari – 16 februari 2020

 ‘Klaske verveelt zich’


Op 6 januari is het residentieproject “Wasteland Kolderveen, Klaske verveelt zich” begonnen. Klaske Bootsma verblijft t/m 16 februari 2020 in KiK, de voormalige zuivelfabriek in Kolderveen.
“Wasteland Kolderveen” is een residentieproject over verveling als inspiratiebron. Klaske Bootsma studeerde in 2018 af aan de Academie Minerva, Groningen.
Coaches: Judith Boessen, Frank Koolen.

‘What shall I do now? What shall I do?
‘I shall rush out as I am, and walk the street
‘With my hair down, so. What shall we do tomorrow?
‘What shall we ever do?
Eliot, The Waste Land

Dit project is een samenwerking van KiK en SIGN, in het kader van ‘Artist in Space’ (We the North), een programma waarin de Drentse, Groningse en Friese kunstinstellingen van platform Noordenaars samenwerken om kunsttalent in het Noorden te stimuleren.
www.sign2.nl , https://www.kik-site.nl

Adres: KiK, Kolderveen 26, 7948 NJ Nijeveen


January 6 – February 16, 2020

WASTELAND KOLDERVEEN, “Klaske is bored”.


The residency project “Wasteland Kolderveen, Klaske is bored” started on 6 January. Klaske Bootsma will stay until 16 February 2020 in KiK, the former dairy in Kolderveen.
“Wasteland Kolderveen” is a residency project about boredom as a source of inspiration. Klaske Bootsma graduated from the Minerva Academy in Groningen in 2018.
Coaches: Judith Boessen, Frank Koolen.

‘What shall I do now? What shall I do?
‘I shall rush out as I am, and walk the street
‘With my hair down, so. What shall we do tomorrow?
‘What shall we ever do?
Eliot, The Waste Land

This project is a collaboration between KiK and SIGN, in the context ‘Artist in Space’ (We the North), a program in which the Drenthe, Groningen and Frisian art institutions of platform Noordenaars work together to stimulate art talent in the North.
www.sign2.nl , https://www.kik-site.nl

Adres: KiK, Kolderveen 26, 7948 NJ Nijeveen