

DAYPARTY at SIGN, Groningen
14 January 2017
13-18 hrs.
Subbacultcha x Wham!Wham! Present:

The New Year comes with new adventures, beginning with the annual getaway that takes us back to our northern home, the Sign Gallery. Teaming up with local well-wishers at Wham! Wham! on the Saturday afternoon, we’ve lined up yet another bangin’ edition of our Day Party. From the r&b pop out of Oshlo’s bedroom to the hallucinatory chants of a Fickle Ghost, we’ve got you covered with an ample set of sounds from beginning to the end. Oh yeah and one more thing – Free Jupiler ’till it’s up!
ft. TOMM¥ €A$H , MAN DUO, 
Promise Keeper , First Hate , Silvana Imam, 
Fickle Ghost, Nouveau Vélo , Korfbal , ohslo

Art: Wall Constellations: Belushi Metaal, Joost Wierenga, Casper Braat, Bente Wilms